Rođena na Božić, 7. januara, samo godinu posle velikih studentskih nemira. Možda odatle energija, insistiranje na nemogućem, masovno rojenje misli i klanjanje rok-kulturi.

Završila je Filološki fakultet u Beogradu na katedri Opšte i srpske književnosti sa srpskim jezikom. Doktorand je na istom fakultetu. I spisateljica. Podelila je svoje vreme na boravak u Pančevu, a poneki deo godine provodi u svim ostalim delovima sveta.

U neprekidnoj formi održavaju je tri musketara: muž Srđan i sinovi Konstantin i Lukijan. Zbog njih, pokatkad i protiv svoje volje, uporno prati muzičko-scenske pokrete mladih i zaglušujuće krikove modernog doba.

Kad nije u diplomatskim pregovorima sa svojom porodicom, kad nije za kompjuterom i šporetom, predaje književnost u Gimnaziji ,,Uroš Predić”, u Pančevu. I stvara s đacima čaroliju prema reči, pisanoj i govornoj. Ima zvanje pedagoškog savetnika.

Član je Udrženja književnika Srbije.

Boravila u rezidenciji za pisce 2018. godine. Artist-in-Residence in November and December 2018, MuseumsQuartier.

Wien. residence/2018/aleksandra-mihajlovic/

Govori engleski i nemački jezik. Proučava španski jezik i književnost.

Ljubitelj je prirode, raftinga, životinja (ima psa Aresa, koji je svojom ljubavlju i vernošću više peti član porodice) i jednu nestašnu, prepredenu, opasnu i umiljatu mačku Mazu.

Čitanje, posete pozorištu, praćenje filmova i muzičkih manifestacija smatra ulepšavanjem života, ne hobijem.

Na putovanjima se služi šarmom, osmehom, engleskim, nemačkim, pomalo španskim. U slobodno vreme pokušava da prekine sa pušenjem, da misli pozitivno o svojoj domovini i narodu, da uhvati nadu i vrati je u Pandorinu kutiju. Da sustigne vreme koje se migolji i uradi još ponešto… Hm… Da uživa.


Zapričavanje. Zavaravanje. Zavirivanje. Objavljen je 2012. godine. Glavna junakinja Tara, ophrvana je Elektrinim kompleksom. Drugarice Mira i Ana joj donose papir, suprug Boris mastilo, prva ljubav snagu, dva sina radost, deda opreznost, majka ćutnju, nana prošlost. A otac, čiju je bolest oklevetala noć, udario je pečat i odobrio objavljivanje ovog romana. Jer Zapričavanje se dešava negde između Srbije i Bosne i ostalih kutova sveta. Govori o odnosu oca i kćerke, mutnom, emotivnom, o njegovom neprisustvu i snažnom uticaju na život već odrasle žene.

Kroz prstohvat cimeta, objvljen je 2015. godine, u izdanju Evro booka. U njemu se prepliće sadašnjost i prošlost, u kojoj kraljica Natalija Obrenović šalje pisma boje cimeta Velesu Petronijeviću, filozofu, kjerkegorovcu, ispoveda mu se i pomaže da preko njene sudbe pronađe sebe. Po motivima romana urađena je pozorišna predstava o kraljici Nataliji, u Nemačkoj, u Visbadenu. Prva je o našoj najlepšoj kraljici u inostranstvu.

Zbirka pesma Ne znam šta bi drugo moglo da nas veže, objavljena je 2016. godine, u kvartetu s Miodragom Jakšićem, Vladimirom Blagojevićem i Jelenom Čirić.

Dečja knjiga Sofijine mudrolije s Markom Kraljevićem, objavljena 2019. godine, u izdanju Lagune. Ova edukativna knjiga privukla je pažnju novim pristupom istoriji, epskoj tradiciji i mitologiji.

Knjiga Znamenite vladarke srednjeg veka izašla je 2020. godine, u izdanju Data Statusa. Enciklopedija o 27 vladarki rađena je u koautorstvu sa dr Katarinom Mitrović, istoričarkom. Ima trodelnu kompoziciju: svaka vladarka počinje originalnom pesmom, potom prati istorijske prilike, i završava se Odjecima, kulturološkim tragom, koji su ove vladarke ostavile do naših dana.

Roman Minijature izdat je 2022. godine u izdanju izdavačke kuće Ključ. Minijature su saga o juvelirskoj porodici i njenim vezama sa dvorovima, manastirima i samostanima, o porodičnim tajnama, moći jednog prstena, zločinima i snazi žena. Roman, koji i sam postaje junak knjige, premostio je meridijane i doba da bi spojio nekoliko izuzetnih žena, od srednjovekovnih, preko onih iz XIX veka, do danas.

Zbirka poezije Juče sam imala susret sa sobom 

Pesme joj lutaju, poput Odiseja, po nekolikim zbornicima („Paška čipka i prilika“; „Antologija savremene ljubavne poezije“; Zbornik „Garavi sokak“ 2014; „Pjesme koje nam život znače“ Udruge Lanterna; „Arte stih“ I i II), sve  dok Eol ne postane blagonaklon i ne nanese ih na hartiju jedne knjige. Pesme su joj prevedene na engleski, češki, makedonski, arapski, slovenačkii italijanski jezik. I više puta nagrađivane.

Često je učesnica, predavač i voditeljka brojnih književnih kolonija u zemlji i regionu.

Godine 2014. bila je na Književnoj koloniji povodom osam vekova manastira Mileševa, na poziv Udruženja književnika Srbije.


Osmislila i vodila, u koautorstvu, nekolike književne kolonije s đacima:

-2006.godine Kratka priča-most između pisca i savremenosti

-2007.godine Žensko pismo. Po završetku tog projekta, organizovala i koordinirala izradu jedinstvenog romana Gospođica L u 23 ruke.

-2008.godine Evripid-naš savremenik. Nakon toga organizovala i koordinirala izradu drame Deus (s)ex machina

-2009.godine organizovala jednonedeljnu književnu koloniju mladih šekspirologa.

Godine 2013. u januaru izašla je knjiga Sopstvena soba za kratku priču kao produkt književne radionice koju je vodila sa mladim talentima.

Objavljeni i nagrađivani radovi, iz oblasti obrazovanja, koautorski:

Poetska šetnja, za 4. godinu, sajt Kreativne škole, 2011. godine

Morfologija, za 2. godinu, sajt Kreativne škole, 2012. godne

U decembru, 2016. godine, na osnovu objavljenog konkursa ,,Nove tehnologije u obrazovanju 2017“ British Council-a pozvana je kao predavač.

Vodila brojne turističke i edukativne programe širom Evrope i istočne Amerike. Organizovala međunarodnu saradnju sa Mađarskom. Bila uključena u međunarodnu saradnju sa Grčkom.

Tvorac je kursa PRAVOPIS I KULTURA SU SVOJTA – SAMO TAKO MOŽEMO DOĆI DO BOLJEGА ŽIVOTA, koji, kao radionice, drži već godinama. Ovaj kurs obuhvata predavanja od antike do savremenog doba. Svaki dvočas počinjepričom o pravopisu, ili jeziku, da bi se nastavio predavanjima koja podstiču razgovor sa polaznicima, uz želju da oni, čuvši priču o prošlosti, razmišljaju o savremenim događanjima, da ne budu puki istraživači, već da kroz istoriju, filozofiju, umetnost, sociološka i geo-politička saznanja bolje razumevaju svet oko sebe.

Multikulturalnost joj je jedna od omiljenih oblasti. Pohađala mnoge multikulturalne radionice i organizovala projekte, sarađivala sa grupom Most. Pomoću multikulturalnosti ostvarivala uspešnu međunarodnu saradnju.


Redovno učestvuje sa svojim naučnim radovima na kongresima Saveza slavističkih društava, baveći se komparativno srpskom i svetskom književnošću. Radovi su joj objavljivani u Zbornicima, u izdanju Društva za srpski jezik i književnost, ili na kongresima i naučnim skupovima u inostranstvu.

Učestvovala je i brojnim projektima, kao koautorka, od kojih se izdvajaju: Članak o Aleksandu Tišmi koji je objavljen u austrijskom književnom časopisu “Europe” 2004. godine (Vom Gebrauh des Menschen und von seiner Wurde).


Naturalizam u nas, Zbornik sa !6. kongresa Slavističkih društava Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja 2005. godine.

Nikola Tesla – komparativna analize drame ,,Nikola Tesla” Miloša Crnjanskog i romana „Tesla – portret među maskama” Vladimira Pištala. Zbornik radova, 17. kongres Slavističkih društava Srbije, Soko Banja, 2009. godine.

Razvijanje veština čitanja putem stvaralačke animacije, Zbornik radova, 18. kongres Slavističkih društava Srbije, Beograd, 2014. godine.

Komparativna analiza Ahmeda Nurudina i Fausta, ili da li je čovek uvek na gubitku, rad objavljen u Zborniku naučnih radova s Naučnog skupa Nauka i sloboda, Istočno Sarajevo, 2014. godine.

Govorna raznolikost u romanu ,,Očevi i oci“ Slobodana Selenića. Rad objavljen u Zborniku naučnih radova s naučnog skupa Nauka i evrointegracije, Istočno Sarajevo, 2015. godine. Rad je predstavljen na СОФИЙСКИ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ”СВ. КЛИМЕНТ ОХРИДСКИ” 1504, СОФИЯ, БЪЛГАРИЯ  SOFIA (UNIVERSITY ST. КLIMENT OHRlDSКI 1000, SOFIA, BULGARIA) 2016. godine. године.

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I na Instagramu: aleksandra_mihajlovic1



Aleksandra Mihajlovic was born on the 7th of January 1969, in Belgrade (Serbia), only a year after big students’ riots, which might be an explanation for her energy, insistence on the impossible, a massive train of thought and worship of rock culture.

She graduated at The Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (at the department of Yugoslav literature and Serbo-Croatian language).  She is currently a PhD student at the same faculty and a writer. Also, she is a member of The Association of Serbian Writers. She has split her time between residing in Pancevo and spending some time in every other corner of the world.

At the 17th Congress of the Slavic Society Council in 2009, she presented her work   “Nikola Tesla- comparative analysis of the drama by  Milos Crnjanski and the novel “Nikola Tesla- the portrait among the masks” by Vladimir Pistalo”-  which was her master’s degree  thesis.

Her three musketeers are responsible for keeping her in touch– her husband Srdjan and her two sons Konstantin and Lukijan. At times, sometimes against her will and due to theirs, she consistently follows the youngsters’ music scene and deafening shrieks of modern times.

She works as a teacher of Serbian language and literature at the Comprehensive school “Uros Predic” in Pancevo – when she is not in diplomatic negotiations with her family, nor in front of a computer or next to her cooker.  She has been working in education for 21 years and during this time she and her students have been creating magic with both written and spoken language.

During the year 2018 she spent some time in the writers’ residence in Vienna. Artist-in-Residence in November and December 2018, MuseumsQuartier Wien.

She enjoys rafting and is a nature and animal lover (she has a dog named Ares, who is more like a fifth member of her family, because of his loyalty and loving nature and also one mischievous, cunning, dangerous and cuddly cat named Maza)

She considers reading, theatre-going, attending movies and music festivals as the beautification of life, more than just mere hobbies.

On her journeys she gets round using her charm, smile, as well as English, German and a little bit of Spanish. In her leisure time she tries to quit smoking, have positive thoughts about her motherland and her nation, tries to catch some hope and put it back in Pandora’s box. She is forever trying to catch up the wiggling time and do one more thing. She tries to enjoy.

Published Works


– She has published two novels:

‘Keeping talking. Deception. Peeking.’ (Arte Belgrade, 2012 The Library – Scenario Announced, award for the best novel of Arte, the publishing house in 2012) This novel tackles the Electra complex. Its main character Tara got the paper from her two best friends – Mira and Ana, the ink from her husband Boris, strength from her first love, joy from her two sons, caution from her grandfather, silence from her mother and the past from her grandma. Her father, whose sickness was “slandered by the night”, put the seal in the end and approved the publishing of this novel. “Keeping Talking” happens somewhere between Serbia and Bosnia, but also between the rest of the world. It talks about father-daughter relationship, about the shady, the emotional, the absence of a father and the strong influence on an adult woman’s life.

-‘Through a Pinch of Cinnamon’ (Eurogiunti 2015 – a novel about Queen Natalija Obrenovic, the second edition in 2016) There was a theatre play based on this novel made in Weisbaden (Germany), directed by Armin Konrad – about the life of Queen Natalija Obrenovic. The first night was on 16th November 2016. This is the first play about the most beautiful Serbian queen abroad. The novel was translated into French.

The collection of poems called “What else could bind us” was published by “Arte” in 2016 in collaboration with Miodrag Jaksic, Vladimir Blagojevic and Jelena Ciric.

The children’s book “Sophia’s wisdom with Prince Marko” was published in 2019 by “Laguna”. This educational book has drawn the public attention because of its fresh approach towards history, epic tradition and mythology.

The book “Famous Women Rulers of the Middle Ages” was published in 2020 by Data Status as a capital issue. The encyclopedia about 27 women rulers was written in co-authorship with the historian Katarina Mitrovic PhD. It has a three-part composition – each ruler starts with an original song, next it follows historical circumstances and it finishes with The Echoes, the cultural trail these women have left until these days.

Engagement in Poetic Anthologies

Her songs have been wandering, like Odysseus, and can be found in various collections – until Aeolus becomes benevolent enough to bring them together on the pages of the same book. Her poems have been awarded multiple times and translated into Czech, Macedonian, Arabian, Slovenian and Italian.

-A Lace and a Chance from Pag ( The first literary  colony in Pag, Croatia), in 2013

-Anthology of Contemporary Love Poetry (Anthology   The Sooty Lane,in 2014, 2015, 2016 )

-Poems worth our Lives, (international anthology of poetry, Providenca, Zagreb, Biograd na Moru), 2014

-Creative magazine number 2, Online magazine,’ CREATIVE MAGAZINE’ ,2014

-Triumph of a wine song, Anthology of essays from a literary concurs about wine,2013, (the poem’Aleksandrovic’ won a Special award)

-Creative workshop The  Balkans ANTHOLOGY OF THE CONTEMPORARY LOVE POETRY, Creative workshop The Balkans, 2014

-Anthology The days of Orfei, Kostolac,2015

-International Anthology of Poetry ‘Art e st ih’ (Arte, Belgrade), I and II

-Anthology of poetry in honour of eight centuries of the monastery Mileseva, 2015

-Anthology of the Planet Poetry, The Planet Poetry, Sarajevo, 2016


-I don’t know what else could connect us, a quartet with Miodrag Jaksic, Vladimir Blagojevic and Jelena Ciric,2016.

Her poems were translated into Macedonian, Arabic, Slovenian, Italian. They have been rewarded many times.

She was one of the creators and organizers of several literary colonies, in the field of culture and education:

  The projects in the field of Education and Culture, supported by the Town Council of Pancevo and the Regional center of talents ‘ Mihajlo Pupin’:

– in the year 2006, the Literary colony lasting for 7 days: ‘ A short story – the bridge between a writer and contemporaneity  ‘

– in the year 2007, the Literary colony lasting for 7 days ‘ The female  letter’. After finishing this project, she organized and coordinated the production of a unique novel, the first of its kind in the region, with 23 participants of the colony –  ‘Miss L, with 23 hands ‘. She used the first letters of the participants’ names and made the anagram of the author- Damjana Bumvedati Mumibasic.

– in the year 2008, the Literary colony lasting for 7 days ‘In the jaws of a myth’. After this project she organized and coordinated the performance of the play that had been written by the participants of the colony- ‘ Deus (s)ex machina’

– in the year 2009, she led a literary colony ( lasting for 7 days)  ‘ Shakespeare – our contemporary ‘

– in January 2013 the book ‘A Private Room for a Short Story’ was published as a product of a literary workshop she led with young talents.

Published and awarded works as a co-author:

– A poet walk, for 4 year-old children, The site of Creative school, 2011

– Morphology for 2 year-old children, The site of Creative school, 2012

She was a lecturer at an international conference by British Council called “New technologies in education”.

She took part in numerous touristic and educational programs across Europe and East America. She organized an international cooperation with Hungary and was included in international cooperation with Greece.

She is the creator of the course called “Orthography and culture are a family – Only that way can we make our lives better”. This course consists of lectures that cover all the periods – from the classical period to modern times. Every lecture starts with a talk about orthography or language and then moves on to the topics that provoke the discussions between the students. The aim of this workshop is not to make the students be mere explorers, but to gain a better understanding of the world around themselves through the understanding of history, philosophy, art, sociology and geopolitics.

Multiculturalism is one of her favorite fields. She has taken part in many multicultural workshops and organized many projects, collaborated with the group “The Bridge”. This has helped her accomplish successful multinational cooperation.     

The literary critics:

– The introduction for the collection of poems   ‘Be there’ by Vladimir Blagojevic

– The afterword for the collection of poems ‘Under the skin’ by Irena Miletic

–  In the anthology ‘The narrative polyphony’, by Janko Vujinovic, the text’ The book on notes of J. Vujinovic’

The list of published scientific and professional works

She has been a regular participant of the SSDS congresses with her scientific works, which focus on the comparative Serbian and world literature. Her works have been published in different collections by Association for Serbian Language and Literature. She has also participated in several congresses and scientific conferences abroad.

-Aleksandar Tisma Vom Gebrauht des Menschen und von seiner Wurde, Ide 1-2004, Klagenfurt

-‘ Naturalism in our society’ ,authorized work, published in the Collection of works at the 16th Congress of Slavic  society of Serbia, Vrnjacka Banja, 2005

-‘ Nikola Tesla- comparative analysis of the drama by Milos Crnjanski and the novel ‘Nikola Tesla -the portrait among the masks ‘- by Vladimir Pistalo’. The Collection of works from the 17th Congress of Slavic society of Serbia, Soko Banja, 2009

– ‘Developing skills, reading by means of creative animation ‘. This work was published in the Collection of scientific works from the 18th Congress of Slavic society of Serbia, in Belgrade in 2014

– ‘ The Comparative analysis of Ahmed Nurudin and Faustus, or is a man always at loss’, the work was published in the Collection of scientific works at the Scientific meeting in Sarajevo, The Science and Freedom, 2014

– ‘Narrative Poetics and bunch of Speeches in the novel ‘FATHERS AND FOREFATHERS’ by Slobodan Selenic’. The work was published in the Collection of scientific works. The science and Euro integrations, 2015  (UNIVERSITY OF ST. KLIMENT’S  OF OHRID, SOFIA, BULGARIA ),2016.


A participant, lecturer and host at numerous international and  Serbian art colonies and festivals ( in Pag, Rijeka,Biograd na Moru- Croatia,;in honour of 8 centuries of the monastery  Mileseva- Serbia, ;The Sea of Souls, Croatia; Planet poetry- Sarajevo- Bosnia and Hercegovina ,; the International literary festival ‘ Pero Zivodraga Zivkovic’, Zenica- Bosnia and Hercegovina) as well as at literary meetings.

A language editor and a proof-reader for the BK University in 2012, 2013.

A language editor and a proof-reader for Ivanka Radmanovic and her Collection of poems The Paradise Cage (an award of Milan Rakic for the year 2015), and  Where is my house, UKS-Prometej, 2016

A language editor and a proof-reader for Petar Zebeljan and his Collection of poems Flora and Fauna

A language and a proof-reader of ‘The letter-book –natural guard’, supported by the Town council of Pancevo, in 2016

A member of the Society of writers of Serbia.

She speaks English, German and Spanish.

You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram: aleksandra_muhajlovic1



Nació en Navidad, en 1969, solo un año después de las grandes protestas de estudiantes. Quizá por eso tiene tanta energía, siempre insiste en las cosas imposibles, reflexiona mucho y es aficionada a la cultura rock.

Terminó su carrera universitaria en la Facultad de Filología y Letras, departamento de la Literatura serbia y general con la lengua serbia. De momento es estudiante de doctorado en la misma facultad. Es escritora y miembro de la Asociación de los escritores de Serbia. Vive en Pančevo, pero le encanta viajar a diferentes partes del mundo.

Está en una forma excelente gracias a sus tres mosqueteros – marido Srđan, hijos Konstantin y Lukijan. Gracias a ellos, a veces y contra su voluntad, está al corriente de la música de los adolescentes y novedades de la época moderna.

Cuando no está negociando con su familia, cocinando o escribiendo en su ordenador, trabaja como profesora de literatura y lengua serbia en Liceo “Uroš Predić” en Pančevo, creando y enseñando a sus alumnos sobre el mundo mágico de las palabras. Posee el título de consejera pedagógica.

Ganó la beca de la residencia para los escritores que en 2018  financió El Ministerio de la república Austria (Artist-in Residence in November and December, 2018)

  Habla inglés y alemán. En su tiempo libre se dedica a la lengua y literatura española. Le encanta naturaleza, rafting, animales (tiene un perro que se llama Ares y que es el quinto miembro de la familia y una cariñosa, pero inquieta y astuta gata- Maza).

En los viajes comunica con su encanto, risa, inglés, alemán y un poco de español. En el tiempo libre está intentando dejar de fumar, trata de pensar de forma positiva sobre su país y pretende coger y devolver la esperanza a la caja de Pandora. Intenta a coger el tiempo que está huyendo y pretende aprovecharlo para…disfrutar.

Leer, ver las películas e ir al teatro y a los conciertos, es más que una afición, para ella es una manera de enriquecer la vida.


Ha publicado dos  novelas:

En el año  2012, “Charlar.Engañar.Ojear.”(“Zapričavanje.Zavaravanje.Zavirivanje.”) se trata del complejo de Electra. En esta novela, Mira y Ana que son las amigas de Tara, la protagonista, le han traído el papel, su marido Boris le ha traído el bolígrafo, su primer amor le trae la fuerza, dos hijos le traen la alegría, abuelo lleva cuidado, madre le trae silencio y su abuela el pasado. El padre con su enfermedad que Tara había descubierto, con el sello ha confirmado la publicación de esta novela. De hecho, la trama de “Charlar.Engañar.Ojear.” está vacilando entre  Serbia y Bosnia, y otros rincones del mundo, habla de la oscura y emotiva relación entre padre e hija, la carencia de la figura de padre y su gran influencia a la vida de una mujer adulta.

“A través del pellizco de la canela” (“Kroz prstohvat cimeta”),  la novela sobre la reina Natalia Obrenović en el año 2015.  Las dos novelas han sido publicadas en la edición de Evrobook, en varias ediciones. Basado en los motivos de la novela “A través del pellizco de la canela” en Alemania (en Wiesbaden) se ha realizado la obra teatral sobre la reina Natalia Obrenović. Es la primera obra teatral sobre la preciosa reina que se ha realizado fuera de las fronteras de Serbia.

El cancionero “No sé qué más nos podría reunir” (Ne znam šta bi drugo moglo da nas veže”) fue publicado en 2016. Es un cuarteto con Miodrag Jakšić, Vladimir Blagojević y Jelena Ćirić publicado en la edición Arte.

El libro infantil “Las sabidurías de Sofía con Marko Kraljevic” fue publicado en el año 2019 en edición de Laguna. Este libro ha atraído mucha atención con la nueva manera de ver la historia, la tradición épica y mitología.

El libro “Las ilustres reinas de la Edad Media” fue publicado en el año 2020, en la edición Data Status, como edición fundamental.  La enciclopedia sobre 27 reinas ha sido realizada con la coautora, historiadora Dr Katarina Mitrović. El libro se consiste en tres partes – cada capítulo empieza con el poema original de la cierta reina, después sigue la parte histórica y se acaba con la influencia cultural que las reinas han dejado hasta los días de actualidad.

Sus poemas vagabundean como Odiseo en varias antologías (“Paška čipka i prilika”, “Antología de la contemporánea lírica amorosa” Antología “Garavi sokak”, “ Pjesme koje nam život znače” “Arte verso” I y II) hasta que Eolo los ponga en las páginas de un libro. Los poemas han sido traducidos en inglés, checo, macedonio, árabes, esloveno e italiano. Han sido premiados en varias ocasiones.

Frecuentemente participa en los talleres literarios de Serbia y de las regiones. En el año 2014 fue invitada por la Asociación de los escritores de Serbia al taller literaria organizado por el motivo de ocho siglos de existencia de monasterio Mileševa. Es participante, educadora y presentadora en varios talleres y festivales artísticos  como nacionales, tanto e internacionales ( Pag, Rijeka y Biograd na Moru -Croatia; El mar de los almas, Croatia- Serbia; Planet poesía- Sarajevo, Bosnia y Herzegovina; El festival internacional de literatura “Pero Živodraga Živkovića”, Zenica, Bosnia y Herzegovina)


Ha creado y realizado, en coautoría, varios talleres literarios para los alumnos:

  • “El cuento corto – puente entre escritor y actualidad” („Kratka priča-most između pisca i savremenosti“), el año 2006
  • “La escritura femenina” (“Žensko pismo”). Al terminar este proyecto, organizó y coordinó  la realización de la novela única “Señorita L realizada por 23 manos” (“Gospođica L u 23 ruke”), es la primera novela de este tipo en Serbia,  el año 2007.
  • “Eurípides – nuestro contemporáneo” (“Evripid-naš savremenik), Al terminar este proyecto, organizó y coordinó  la realización de obra dramática “Deus (s)ex machina”, el año 2008.
  • En el año 2009 organizó el taller literario para los shakesperianos jóvenes
  • En enero de 2013 fue publicado el libro “Una habitación propia para el cuento corto” („Sopstvena soba za kratku priču“), es un fruto de la taller literario que realizó con los talentos jóvenes.

Las obras publicadas y premiadas en la área de enseñanza:

  • “El camino poético” (“Poetska šetnja”), para el cuarto curso, página web de la Escuela creativa (Kreativna škola), año 2011.
  • “Morfología” (“Morfologija”), para el segundo curso, página web de la Escuela creativa (Kreativna škola), año 2012.

En diciembre de 2016 fue invitada por British Council para ser educadora  en taller de “Nuevas tecnologías en enseñanza 2017”. Los encargados del taller fueron: los representantes del Ministerio de Enseñanza, Ciencia y Desarrollo tecnológico; Grupo de Embajada británica para participación social y reducción de pobreza; Centro de British Council para promoción de la ciencia.

Ha organizado y realizado numerosos viajes educativos y turísticos por Europa y Estados Unidos. Ha organizado la colaboración internacional con Hungría. Ha sido parte de la colaboración con Grecia.

Es creadora del curso “LA ORTOGRAFÍA Y CULTURA SON FAMILIA – SOLO ELLAS NOS PUEDEN LLEVAR HASTA UNA VIDA DE MEJOR CALIDAD.” (“PRAVOPIS I KULTURA SU SVOJTA- SAMO TAKO MOŽEMO DOĆI DO BOLJEG ŽIVOTA“) Estos talleres se realizan durante muchos años. En el curso se analizan los temas desde periodo ático hasta la época contemporánea. Cada clase (en duración de una hora y media)  empieza con las reglas de ortografía e historia de la lengua, sigue con las lecciones que animan la conversación con los alumnos con el objetivo de que ellos, aprendiendo del pasado,  reflexionen sobre los hechos de la actualidad. El objetivo es que los estudiantes no sean solamente simples exploradores, sino que también, a través  de la historia, filosofía, arte y conocimientos socio- políticos, reflexionen sobre su entorno.

La multiculturalidad es su área favorita. Ha participado en muchos talleres multiculturales, ha organizado proyectos, ha colaborado con el grupo “Puente” (“Most”). A través de la multiculturalidad ha realizado una exitosa colaboración internacional.


Con sus artículos científicos participa en los congresos de Asociación de sociedad eslava, analizando y comparando la literatura serbia con la literatura mundial. Sus artículos han sido publicados en las Antologías, en la edición de la Asociación de la lengua y literatura serbia. Con sus artículos científicos participa también en los congresos y reuniones internacionales.

A menudo participa en los talleres literarios.

Como autora ha participado en numerosos proyectos, entre que se destacan: el artículo sobre Aleksandar Tisma que en el año 2004 fue publicado en la revista literaria austriaca „Europe“ (Vom Gebrauh de Menschen und von seiner Wurde)

„Naturalismo en nosotros“ („Naturalizam u nas“), artículo publicado en Antología de XVI  Congreso de Asociación eslava de Serbia, Vrnjacka Banja, año 2005

“Nikola Tesla- análisis comparativo sobre la obra dramática “Nikola Tesla” de Milos Crnjanski y la novela “Tesla- retrato entre disfraces” (“Tesla- portret među maskama”) de Vladimir Pistalo. Artículo publicado en Antología de articulos científicos de  XVII  Congreso de Asociación eslava de Serbia, Soko Banja, año 2009

“Desarrollo de las competencias de lectura a través de la animación creativa” (“Razvijanje veština čitanja putem stvaralačke animacije”). Artículo publicado en Antología  de articulos científicos de XVIII  Congreso de Asociación eslava de Serbia, Belgrado, año 2014

“Análisis comparativo de Ahmed Nurudin y Fausto o si el hombre siempre está perdiendo” (“Komparativna analiza Ahmeda Nurudina i Fausta, ili da li je čovek uvek na gubitku“). Artículo publicado en Antología  de articulos científicos de Congreso científico en Sarajevo, Ciencia y libertad, año 2014

„La variedad de lenguaje en la novela „Ocevi i oci“ de Slobodan Selenic“ („Narrative Poetics and bunch speeches in the novel FATHERS AND FOREFATHERS bу Slobodan Selenic”). Artículo publicado en Antología  de articulos científicos de Congreso científico, Ciencia y eurointegración, año 2015.

El artículo fue presentado en на СОФИЙСКИ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ”СВ. КЛИМЕНТ ОХРИДСКИ” 1504, СОФИЯ, БЪЛГАРИЯ  SOFIA (UNIVERSITY ST. КLIMENT OHRlDSКI 1000, SOFIA, BULGARIA)  en el año 2016. (“Narrative Poetics and bunch of Speeches in the novel ‘FATHERS AND FOREFATHERS’ by Slobodan Selenic”).  En Sofía presentó su artículo y luego lo publicó.

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Instagram: aleksandra_mihajlovic1